
Welcome to our club, the Newcastle Medicals Badminton Club. (You don’t have to be a medic to play!)
All players are welcome to join us where we offer social and competitive opportunities.

Club Nights - Mondays 19:00-22:00 and Thursdays 19:00-22:00 (Sept to April)

Summer Club - during the Summer we offer a turn up and play session which is £7 for guests.
We play  Thursdays 19:00-21:00 at Tyneside Badminton Centre and will return to
Excelsior Academy on Monday 2nd September 

Drop us an email or find us on Facebook “Newcastle Medicals Badminton Club”

We play at the 4 court Excelsior Sports Hall, Denton Rd, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE15 6AF.

We have two men's teams, two mixed teams and a ladies' team in the 

Northumberland Badminton Association League.

We welcome players of all abilities.